Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Something tiny to make you smile x

I was just having a tiny little browse on etsy, well maybe my tiny browse was more like half an hour and yes you're right I do have a to do list as long as my arm but it's nice to escape into the magical world of etsy every once in a while, right?  My wander through the virtual shopping streets was richly rewarded as I stumbled upon the wonderful world of Misako Mimoko, magic and happy handmade loveliness made by the wonderfully talented Eva Monleon...

Her exquisite, quirky work really does make me feel happy...who could fail to feel cheerful with one of these cute little nuggets pinned onto your jacket and scarf. They are absolutely adorable!

And here is another one...

Wouldn't you just love a whole family...to brighten up your dresser top as well as your wardrobe..?!  Thank you super talented Eva for a wistful few minutes, I hope to buy one of your happy little faces very very soon x


Lisa @celebrate creativity said...

Hi Kate, popping by for a visit from BYW to browse and look around.

I'll see you in class,


Toni @ Skandivis said...

They are so sweet and quirky and they really did make me smile :)

Caroline @ trend-daily said...

These are really lovely-my son Gabriel loves them! :-)

Anonymous said...

Ha, love these.